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Welcome to OpenLinkNight everyone.   As you know, OpenLinkNight  is your opportunity to link 1 poem of your choice as this is no prompt-day. For those who missed the Mr Linky deadline the past week or this Tuesday’s poetics about “Art as an Inspiration – Beverly Dyer” , this is also your opportunity to share your poem.

Just a note that our poetry form challenge, Sestina is still open for another week.  Take some time to visit and comment on the later poems in Mr. Linky.  This form is truly challenging and we commend all the poets that took part in writing the sestina. The month long poetry form challenges  for our project will end with this form.   We will resume with our usual MTB posts to sharpen our poetry tool box.  

For today, here are two poems by Freya Manfred: 

On a hill overlooking the Rock River
my father’s pear tree shimmers,
in perfect peace,
covered with hundreds of ripe pears
with pert tops, plump bottoms,
and long curved leaves.
Until the green-haloed tree
rose up and sang hello,
I had forgotten. . .
He planted it twelve years ago,
when he was seventy-three,
so that in September
he could stroll down
with the sound of the crickets
rising and falling around him,
and stand, naked to the waist,
slightly bent, sucking juice
from a ripe pear.
The older we get the stranger my husband becomes,
and the less certain I am that I know him.
We used to lie eye to eye, breathing together
in the immensity of each moment.
Lithe and starry-eyed, we could leap fences
even with babies on our backs.
His eyes still dream off
toward something in the distance I can’t see;
but now he gazes more zealously,
and leaps into battle with a more certain voice
over politics, religion, or art,
and some old friends won’t come to dinner.
The molecules of our bodies spiral off into the stars
on winds of change and chance,
as we welcome the unknown, the incalculable,
the spirit and heart of everything we named and knew so well—
and never truly named, or knew,
but only loved, at last.

To join us for Thursday’s OpenLinkNight, which happens every other week, here’s how to join:

See you at the poetry trail. ~Grace~