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Lillian here, hosting our final Quadrille Monday in 2019. Hoping you’ve all had a grand year, enjoying the diversity of prompts, posts and personalities at dVerse.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank Grace and Bjorn for all they do here. They are, after all, the backbone of this endeavor!

Well folks, we are officially in winter and that means in the natural world, many animals are hibernating in close cozy dens or burrows. Many of us humans are enjoying the process of “nesting” – homes aglow with candles; snuggling down under warm afghans, perhaps some made by favorite aunts, mums or grandmothers. For me, I especially enjoy getting our home ready for the Christmas season. Our tree is what I call a “memory tree” – with ornaments made by our children, grandchildren, and one made by my brother some 70+ years ago. Among the other ornaments are a glass ball with Lillian printed in perfect white block letters by my kindergarten teacher (I’m in my 7th decade!); a beautiful and very fragile glass pink bell given to my mother when she was born; and a barely intact airplane that I carefully put near the top of the tree each year. It was given to my father when he was 5 years old. Yes, our home is aglow with the Christmas spirit!

By the way, did you know we are members of Old North Church in Boston? It’s Paul Revere’s church, built in 1723. The original stairs are still intact, leading up into the steeple where that famous lantern was waved: one if by land, two if by sea. That phrase was made famous in Longfellow’s poem, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere which commemorates the night of April 18, 1775, the eve of the Battles of Lexington and Concord during the American Revolution. Literally thousands of tourists visit Old North each year. Many worship with us on Sundays as it is a practicing Episcopal church in addition to being a historical monument. For me, it is most beautiful on Christmas Eve at the 11 PM service. It is only one of two times per year when the candles are lit in all the original brass chandeliers and wall sconces. A huge tree with tiny white lights is set upon a roof outside the large window above the altar. The church literally glows inside.

So my dVerse friends…for this last quadrille of 2019, let us all use the word “glow” or a form of the word in our poem of exactly 44 words, not including the title. Some may choose the more somber side of the word, as in “glower” – totally up to you! For me, I’m all aglow, waiting to read your words – and wishing you all a very wonderful holiday season and a peaceful, healthy New Year!


New to dVerse?  Need to be refreshed on the rules?  Here’s what to do:

Write a quadrille (a poem of EXACTLY 44 words, not including the title) AND include the word “glow” or a form of the word within the body of the poem. A synonym for glow does not fulfill the prompt. It must be the word, or a form of the word.

Post the poem to your blog

Add the exact URL for your poem to Mr. Linky below.

REMEMBER:    either TAG dVerse in your post, or include a link at the end of your poem that leads readers back to dVerse (https://dversepoets.com).

IF THERE IS NO TAG OR LINK TO DVERSE ON YOUR POST:     I will gently remind you to add it or remove your post from Mr. Linky. Sorry to be so harsh…..but this is just part of the requirements AND it will bring you more readers and lead more folks to dVerse so they can participate as well!