We made it to a new decade! As the 20s roar on in, how’s the poeming going? De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here, and my muse seems to be slow in coming back to life after the holidays. If that’s you, too, I hope you’ll find some inspiration here. It’s the first Quadrille Monday of a whole new decade here at dVerse, that fun little prompt when we pen poems of precisely 44 words (not counting the title), and including one word that we here at dVerse provide. Today, as we head into the new roaring 20s, I want you to urge your words to roar.

Loan them to a lion, or a dragon. Sit by a roaring fire and put your feet up and see what comes. Make us roar with laughter. Get uproarious, and loud. Or if you feel as though you’ve lost your voice, simply pen those words to the wind and let it do the roaring for you.

{Wallace Stevens}


Are you feeling roarish? (Yep, I just made that up. Feel free to have some fun with the root word, and do the same. After all, fun new words are a roarity, aren’t they?)

{Charles Bukowski}

New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Roar on in with a poem of exactly 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word roar. Post your poem on your blog, and link it up with Mr. Linky below. Then make your rip-roarin’ way around the blogisphere to read some of the finest poets around.

And drop us a hello in the comments. How do you you hope to roar this year?