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Welcome to the Q!

Hope you are all safe and sound. I’m not sure about your neck of the woods but in the midst of this pandemic, in my city, we are still actively participating in a search for toilet paper. A seemingly precious item, hoarded, treasured and then flushed.

Yes, this basic detail during self isolation is what led me to this week’s quadrille word….


A very versatile word this is, with a wide range of definitions and parts of speech.










Have fun with the flexibility of “flush”.  Go ahead…have at it with the “flushers”. Some things are so easily “flushable”. Deal me up a “royal flush” and please do it  with a “flush” of enthusiasm, and not so “flushingly”.  I am in serious need of some “flushness” in my world right now. Flush away!!


Your quadrille should be exactly 44 words, not including the title. It should contain the word “flush” or a form of the word. It should be written on one square of toilet paper. Ok, just kidding!


Here’s how to join in:

  • Pen a poem of exactly 44 words, not including the title using the word “flush” in some form. Post it to your blog or website.
  • Include a link back to dVerse so others can find us and join in.
  • Copy and paste the direct link to your quadrille into Mr. Linky along with your name and check off the privacy policy.
  • Drop into the pub to say hello.
  • Visit, read and comment on the work of others.


Image credits: libquotes.com, pixabay.com, jarofquotes.com, pinterest.com