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Hello, dVerse Poets! It’s Merril–writing from southern New Jersey with another Prosery prompt.

Prosery is prose that includes a line from a poem. I will give you the line, and then you incorporate it into a short prose piece. This can be either flash fiction, nonfiction, or creative nonfiction, but it must be prose! And it must be no longer than 144 words, not including the title. It does not have to be exactly 144 words.

You must use the line that I give you below. You may change punctuation and capitalize words, but you are not allowed to insert words in between parts of the sentence.

Got it?

Last month, some people thought I chose a difficult line for the prompt. This month, I first thought about a line from a Robert Frost poem; however, it seemed a bit too bland. I wanted something poetic that would still work in prose—and nothing too long, since you only have 144 words. I think I found the right line, but if not, I guess you’ll let me know! 😀

I go to bed early, but I love seeing the moon in the morning when I get up. This past week, I imagined she was watching over me as I took my morning walk. (We poets—such imaginations!) So. . . here’s the line:

“In their dreams
they sleep with the moon.”–From Mary Oliver, “Death at Wind River”

Please also include the dVerse link in your published piece.

Here’s how to take part in the Prosery Prompt:
– Write a piece of flash fiction or other prose of up to or exactly 144 words, including the given line.
– Post your Prosery piece on your blog and link back to this post.
– Place the link to your actual post (not your blog or web site) in the Mister Linky site.
– Don’t forget to check the little box to accept use/privacy policy
– Please visit other blogs and comment on their posts!