

Hello all,

I think you know the drill by now, we will be live for the first hour of the bar. Just link up one of your poems, connect to the video meeting, and meet your fellow poets for real.

We will call you to read (if you want) but if you just want to join us to listen you are very welcome.

I will record the session and post it to our YouTube channel and also link the session below.

Isn’t it amazing that we have been living with these restrictions for a year by now. For me work has been going on as usual but from home. We cook our food and bake our bread, we are getting new habits, some of this is actually better, but I do miss other things of my past life.

Homemade sourdough bread

Tell me what you want to keep from these pandemic living and what you miss the most.

As usual I hope you will take the time and read and comment on the poet by visiting your fellow poets that have linked up on Mr Linky.

The link to the video meeting; https://meet.google.com/xok-cqxy-she

If you missed the session, here you can listen and watch to the live session.