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It’s Quadrille Monday! Are you here to play?  
Just 44 words is all you have to say. 
Include a word we choose. Yep! that’s the game. 
Now, come and poem your way to Quadrille fame! 

This is De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo), here to bother you into poeming today by poking your muse with the word “bother.” The Quadrille is an invention of our own making right here at dVerse, a poem of exactly 44 words, including one word we provide. You choose rhyme or reason, form or function, mood and ’tude. Just be sure you include some form of the word…

Bother. Bothersome. Bothered. Bothering. 

I used to babysit a little girl who would say she had “the bothers” when her clothes were drivin’ her nuts. What gives you the “the bothers?” 

“Let you alone! That’s all very well, but how can I leave myself alone? We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?” 
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Here’s an oldie but goodie to inspire us: 

Laurie Berkner, Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me 

New to the Q? No bother! Here’s what to do: 
Compose us a poem of precisely 44 words, not including the title, and including some form of the word BOTHER. Post it on your own blog, and then link up using Mr. Linky below. Once your own poem is written, be sure to click about a bit, and “bother” some of your favorite poets with some fun comments. The Q is up all week long, so feel free to come back and bother us again and again. 

A quick note (oh, bother): I will be out of town on Monday as this post bothers its way into your inboxes. Sanaa has kindly offered to tend bar for me. Don’t give her any trouble, ya hear? I’ll be back in action on Tuesday!