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Greetings, fellow word warblers! De Jackson, aka WhimsyGizmo, here, and it’s Quadrille Monday, when we pen poems of precisely 44 words (not counting the title), including one word we provide. 

Well, it’s the hottest, craziest daze of summer here in Southern Nevada, and I am desperately thirsty for water. Won’t you poem along this quiet stream with me? 

Photo cred here:  

Go with your stream of consciousness. Send tears streaming down our faces. Or swim against the stream and make up a word or phrase of your own. Can you streamify something? Is there such a thing as streamification? Is poeming an Xstream sport? 

Yes, today, I want you to play with some form of the word stream.

These days we even “stream” our entertainment, or “live-stream” an event. (Give me the old-fashioned babbling kind, any day!) 

New to the Q? Here’s what to do: 
Stream us a new poem of exactly 44 words, not including the title, and working in some form of the word STREAM. Post the poem to your own blog, and link to us using the Mr. Linky below. Then be sure to dip your toes into others’ poems around this great blogisphere. Some of the very best words flow through right here. Ready…set…full stream ahead! 

And I can’t resist this one last bit of musical inspiration: 

Islands in the Stream with Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers