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Hello everyone! In my part of the world, autumn season is upon us. Leaves from our maple and birch trees turn riot with diferent hues of orange, yellow, rust and reds. If you are on the other side of the world, I hope that your season of rain or spring will bring forth new plants, trees and joyful beginnings.


For today’s poetry form, we are going to learn about a compound word verse.

The Compound Word Verse is a poetry form invented by Margaret R. Smith that consists of five 3-line stanzas, for a total of 15 lines. The last line of each stanza ends in a compound word and these compound words share a common stem word which is taken from the title. (In the first example below the stem word is “moon” from the title “Moonlighting”; the compound words related to the title are moondust, moonbeams, moonsongs, etc.)

The Compound Word Verse (3 lines) has a set rhyme scheme and meter as follows:

Rhyme Scheme: a,a,b
Syllable/Meter: 8, 8, 3

Example #1

by Grace@EverydayAmazing

i pull the curtains aside to
witness the glorious light, you brew
the moondust

over the bubbling sky, darkness
is poised, letting us string stillness
in moonbeams

under yellow maple trees, we
write poems, sip our tea and plea
with moonsongs

let the grey clouds wander & slip
let the lake waters rise & dip
the moonstones

shine our faces bright, stark blue
touch our feet with stars, we flew
with mooneyes


In the second example below, the stem word is “snow” from the title “The Unexpected Snow”; the compound words related to the title are snowflakes, snowdrifts, snowstorms, etc.)

Example #2:
The Unexpected Snow

Tree limbs become old fashioned lace;
camillias wear the cold embrace
of snowflakes.

The early snow brings such delight,
though day turns quickly into night
as snowdrifts

capture roads, and pile at the door;
the bitter winds moan tales, the lore
of snowstorms.

Light dances from the gleaming grate
until at last the winds abate,
still snowbound.

Pale dawn reveals a world of white
transformed by nature in the night,
a snowscape.

Copyright © 2010 Margaret R. Smith

Source:  Here

Writing challenge: a poem written with the compound word verse as described above.

  • Write a poem based on the writing challenge as described above. Post it on your blog or website.
  • Enter your name and direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
  • Remember to check the box re: privacy policy.
  • Follow the links to other poets. Read and comment on other poems.  We all appreciate feedback on our poems.
  • Link back to dVerse so others can find us too.
  • Have fun!

See you at the poetry trail.  ~Grace~