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Hello Friends

Today it’s me, Björn hosting OLN. This time it’s once again time for the live edition.

When this goes live I will have just come back from my first business trip in over two years. The trip is not long, but still it’s an indication that life after the pandemic is returning to some sense of normalcy. With a very high level of vaccination people don’t get as sick as before, but we are still taking it in small steps.

Just when there was some brightness on the horizon, war is here, and it feels close. Less than 1000 km away. The first refuges have started to arrive, and sometimes I feel that I will wake one morning to explosions from Srockholm.

I know that some of us cannot avoid writing about it, while others cannot capture the horrors in words. For me, I cannot understand how a way back will ever be possible.

I grew up during the Cold War, with the fear of a Nuclear War always present. I remember vaguely when the Soviet occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968, I remember the efforts in Poland in the 80’s. I listened to Sting and his song Russians.

“I hope the Russians love their children too”.. how apt it seems today, but still colder when the men in power seem to love their yachts more than their children.

Then came the 90’s when everything changed so rapidly, and I listened to Scorpions while watching the iron curtain crumble.

I wonder now what songs will we remember from these days, when all we thought we had is being shattered into pieces. Maybe we will all listen to Tchaikovsky – 1812 OVERTURE to celebrate the Soldiers from Russia coming to liberate us from the burden of liberal democracy

Today you can share any one of your poems by linking up to Mr Linky below and if you are early you may join us for the first hour, listening to others reading your poem. You may also (if you want) share a poem of someone else at dVerse (please ask for permission first).

You may join by clicking the link below..

Depending on your setup I recommend that you try using a headset. You may also get a better experience if you join through your mobile phone using the app Google Meet available at the app-store.

Please remember to visit and comment. Enjoying poetry together I hope we may help to change the paths of history.