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Greetings, my fellow paper-passionate peeps! 
De Jackson here, aka WhimsyGizmo. I’ve been crazy-busy lately in my other (professional) papery world as an advertising copywriter, where words actually sometimes pay the bills. But I’m so happy to be here today, Quadrille Monday, my favorite! Herein, we fill our paper pages with pithy, prominent poems of just 44 words (not counting the title) and including one word we here at dVerse provide to you. 

Is my intention today paper thin enough for you yet? Today, I want you to play on paper with the word paper. Reminisce about your old paper route. Play paper-scissors-rock or paper mâchéWallpaper your words or fold them into a paper airplane. Papery. Papered. Newspaper. You might find some poetic purpse in paper dolls, roses, towels or towns. Get thee to thine paper, and fill that page with your passion, your delight, or your rage. Remember, hyphen fun is welcome, as are coined words and phrases of your own making. Get pulpy. Praise the trees. Then get writing. 

Some inspiration from Dylan Thomas: 

Anybody else remember and love this movie? 

New to the Q? Here’s what to do: 
Just pen a poem of precisely 44 words, including some form of the word paper. Link it up by clicking Mr. Linky. Then make your way around to the other posts, to find some of the most talented pen-and-paper-pushers around. The prompt is open for the whole week, so remember to come back and read (and write) some more! 

I shall leave you with some Joe Jackson, and a smile: 

(As they say, “No job is finished until the paperwork is done.”)