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Take, if you must, this little bag of dreams, Unloose the cord, and they will wrap you round.

William Butler Yeats

Welcome wonderful poets!

Its that time again to dabble with dVerse’s own little creation. We call it the “Quadrille”. If this is new to you, here are the details. You must write a poem of any style, exactly 44 words in total, not including the title. It must include a word that I give you……

but first let me wrap it up for you. Or should I unwrap it for you? I’m not sure if its wrappable. I cannot keep it under wraps any longer. Yes, yes, the word is wrap. Use it any way you wish.

I like the way Basho uses it here:

Wrapping Dumplings

Wrapping dumplings in
bamboo leaves, with one finger
she tidies her hair

Matsuo Basho

As an early childhood educator, I used bubble wrap as a sensory activity for sound, texture, manipulation and the anticipation of that glorious pop! Sometimes I taped it to the floor for some good old stomping action. Plastic hammers were added for another approach, to release some energy and emotion. Hardest job ever: working with ten toddlers!

Aww, that sounds wonderful.

So let’s wrap this up and write, shall we?

Here’s how to join in:

  • Write a 44 word poem sans title including the word “wrap” and post it on your blog or website.
  • Enter your name and direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
  • Follow the links to other poets. Read, comment and come back later as the prompt is open all week.
  • Provide a link to dVerse so others can find us too.
  • Drop in to say hello in our discussion below.
  • That’s a wrap! Have fun!