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Welcome to dVerse! Tonight, I want to inspire you with the strange and wonderful paintings of Lee Madgwick. Yes – we’re going ekphrastic!

I first came across Lee’s work on Twitter – @LeeMadgwick – and was struck by his surreal landscapes, and those enigmatic buildings. I immediately wanted to share them with you guys, and see what poetry came out of them, and Lee was kind enough to give me permission to do that. Please stick with these images, as these are the ones we have permission for – but if you want to see more of Lee’s (amazing) work, you can find him at leemadgwick.co.uk.

So it’s very simple tonight – choose an image, and write a poem inspired by it. Please credit Lee, and please link back to this post, and to good old Mr Linky. And don’t forget to read and comment on other people’s poems.