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Picture courtesy: Ice cream with chocolate chips by Gustavo Peres, Pexels

Hello all,

Sanaa here (aka adashofsunny) delighted to host Open Link LIVE today and again on Saturday. Please see the links shared below in order to join us! Note: You can join at any time within the time frame noted.

Click below to join us LIVE on THURSDAY, July 20 from 3 to 4 PM, EST


Click below to join us LIVE on SATURDAY, July 22 from 10 to 11 AM, EST.


So, exactly WHAT IS OLN and OLN LIVE?

OLN is Open Link Night: an opportunity to post any one poem of your choosing on Mr. Linky below. There is no required form, length, or topic. So even if you choose not to join us in the live session, I do hope you’ll share a poem of your choice so we can read it at our leisure over the next few days.

OLN LIVE is Open Link Night LIVE which involves the same process EXCEPT we invite you to meet poets from around the globe by signing into a LIVE session, complete with video and audio. Folks can read aloud one poem of their choosing to the group tuned in. You can read the poem you posted to Mr. Linky below or a different one OR you can just come to sit in and listen.

Because of popular demand, we now offer OLN LIVE once a month on Saturday as well as Thursday which means we can be more inclusive of the many time zones around the globe. Join us at one session or both. The more the merrier! Read the same poem at both sessions; read at one and listen at the other; or read one poem on Thursday and a different poem on Saturday. Please note however, you may still post only one poem at Mr. Linky below. And of course, if, for whatever reason, you choose not to join us live, as I mentioned above, you may still share a poem on Mr. Linky below.

I am hosting from a high rise building near the ocean in the heart of the city of Karachi, it’s late July here with light showers and season of mangoes to beguile the senses.

It may take a few seconds to join the LIVE session so please be patient. Be sure you’ve connected on the right day’s link above, and then know, I will be there as quickly as possible to let you in. Sometimes the internet connection can be spotty but there is nothing to worry about.

I look forward to reading your poem posted to Mr. Linky below the photo, and hopefully seeing you at one or both of our LIVE sessions!
