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Greetings, most mad and moonly poets! De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here.

First off, a dVerse announcement:
Two chances to join Open Link Live (OLN LIVE) this month:
Thursday, November 16th from 3 to 4 PM EST and Saturday, November 18th, from 10 to 11 AM EST.
***If you’re not in Boston’s EST time zone and wonder what time these OLN LIVE sessions run where you live, go to https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter.***
To participate in OLN LIVE, simply click on the link that will be provided and join us with video and audio. Read a poem of your choice or just come to listen. The more the merrier! 
NOTE:  You may still post ONE poem as usual to OLN, even if you do not join us live.

And now for today’s prompt…
It’s Quadrille Monday again (my favorite!), when we pen poems of precisely 44 words, including one word we provide.

Today, I’d like you to mull over the word moon.

Moonspill on Lake Tahoe. Photo by me.

Ah, the moon. She waxes. She wanes. She renders werewolves insane. She borrows her light from the sun and controls the tides. She’s tough to capture on camera, and she’s even got a darker side.

Verb-aciously speaking, you could moon over your poem like a schoolboy (or girl), or you might even show us your poem’s backside.

Honeymoon. Moonshine. Moonroof. Moonbeam. Moonflower. Moonwalk. Moonlighting. Moonraker. Moonstruck.

Whatever phase you choose to write about her in, just make sure the literal word moon is somewhere in your 44-word poem.

You might even choose to coin your own moon word, as E. E. Cummings did in one of my favorite poems…

If it’s been many moons since you penned a poem, here are some classic moon poems to get you started:https://poets.org/poems-about-moon

New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
No need to moon about. Simply pen us a poem of exactly 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word moon. Post your poem on your own blog, and link up using the Mr. Linky below. Then make your way around the blogosphere to visit some of the most talented poets around. I’m sure they’d be over the moon to hear from you!

Finally, here’s some moonly musical inspiration:


Creedence Clearwater Revival

And of course, Sinatra: