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Hellooooo, Poets! De Jackson here, aka WhimsyGizmo, happy once again to be hosting my favorite prompt, the Quadrille. This funky little poem-dance is a creation of our own making here at dVerse, and it’s as easy as a sharp 1-2 punch: 
1) We provide a word. 
2) You include that word in a poem of precisely 44 words. 

Today, as we bob, weave and leave our words in a trail behind us, I invite you to get out your pencil sharpener and get right to the point: only sharp poems shall be shared here in this joint.  

So it’s time for all you sharpshooting scribes to get out those dictionaries. Today’s word is (obviously) sharp, and can be used and abused as a noun, verb, adverb or adjective. Strum your poem to the tune of D sharp or sharpen the edges a little and give us some cutting phrase. Dress sharp while you do it or leave on your jammies (we won’t see that part, anyway). 

Need some inspiration? An excerpt from Hyperion, by John Keats: 

And here’s something sharp and Wilde: 

Is the pen truly mightier (and perhaps sharper) than the sword? Let’s find out! 

New to the Q? Here’s what to do: 
Pen us your poem of just 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word sharp. Post your poem on your own blog and link up using the Mr. Linky below. Then peruse the interwebs to visit the words of others. (After all, “iron sharpens iron.”) The Quadrille is open all week, so be sure to come back for more! (And drop us a hello in the comments below. I’m serving up some crisp cocktails and crackers with sharp cheddar.) 

(And the sharp pen often produces delightful poems.)

Still stressed? Get dressed: 

Sharp Dressed Man, ZZ Top

Or wander through these sharp music halls: 

Sharp Edges, Linkin Park

Sharp Knife, Third Eye Blind  

Cuts Like a Knife, Bryan Adams