
A warm greeting to you, my fellow poetry writers, readers and appreciators! My name is Natasha Head, and I am beyond honored to welcome you to The d’Verse Poets Pub OpenLinkNight.  We invite you to pull up to your favorite bar stool, order your poison, and settle in for what promises to be a wonderful evening of fantastic poetry and fellowship amongst peers.

Last week saw Brian and Claudia put together a hopping opening night for us, and completing the festivities were over 160 poets from around the world! Is that not amazing! If we needed proof that poetry was something the world was crying out for, then together, we certainly proved it when the doors were opened! And its all up from here!

Gay and Luke came together later in the week to treat us to a wonderful introduction to Crit Friday, and while many of us were nervous…we all left with better pieces than we had when we started.  There’s no better example of a living, breathing community, alive with poetry, than that. This coming Friday, Gay is going to treat us to Form.  I can vouch for her amazing skills, and owe her huge thanks for all the learning I’ve been able to take advantage of because of her.

Saturday saw Brian present to us a fun and beyond inspiring prompt for Poetics, and I have to say, I so enjoyed reading all the different responses.  What a brilliant bunch you are! I cannot wait to see what this week brings.

Thank you again, for the amazing show of support, the wonderful writing and most of all, for spreading the poetry love!

I now invite you to take to the stage, step up to the mic, and speak your words loud and proud!  Here’s how…

  • Post a poem to your blog Don’t forget to let your readers know where your linking up! Feel free to include a link to dVerse in your post!
  • Link your poem (1only) using the Mr.Linky button on our site. Don’t forget to include your name. (Click the Mr. Linky button below to open a new screen.  If you’re already linked up, this is the screen you will use for choosing your reading as well)
  • Once you have pasted your blog url and entered your name, simply click submit.
  • Visit as many other poems as you like, commenting as you see fit.
  • Spread the poetry love! Tweet and share till your heart’s content.
  • Remember, we are community! Engage your fellow poets, talk, chat, comment, let the world know we’re here!