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A few weeks ago, I went to the Circus and next to the outstanding artistic performance, I just loved, watching how much fun the artists obviously had.

They were joking, laughing, teasing, but also catching each other. They encouraged their colleagues, team-played, helped them jump even higher and I just loved sitting there, sucking in the atmosphere.

Does this sound familiar–?

Or did someone tell you that poets are serious, lonely creatures who sit alone at a desk and smile very seldom–? I once had that picture and I’m so glad that it’s not like this, that we have so many team players here who, next to an outstanding artistic performance, encourage each other and have fun together–

So let’s get that party started – I can’t promise you elephants, clowns, high wire artistry or lions but you will be surprised what you sometimes find out on the trail– smiles–

My name is Claudia Schoenfeld, I’m your host for our 62nd OpenLinkNight– and hey, it simply feels good, being a part of this.


If you’re new, here’s how it works–

  • post a poem on your webpage or blog
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and url and click enter.
  • This is also where you will find the list of those that have also joined in—read, comment, meet new people—let people know what you think of their verse.
  • Feel free to share your link and a link to dverse using the social media of your choice.
  • Enjoy your time