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90. Depending on the context that can be a fairly large number. For my grandmother, that is her age today. This evening all the family will gather and share dinner, celebrating her life. Her husband passed away when I was 10. I have written about him on several occassions, his passing and how the firemen treated us is a vivid memory of mine.

Her life has not always been easy. In 1985, her house was destroyed in a flood. Walking around her yard, looking at all her possessions high in the branches of trees is another vivid bookmark in my mind. Breaking her leg this last year and her recovery is another thing I have written about.

She loves to talk and will def tell a story or two when we are together today, but one thing that is evident, is that the people that share our stories are important. We will hear all about her neighbors and the other ladies that she adventures with around town.

Welcome to Poetics! My name is Brian Miller and I will be your host and today I want to highlight someone I have shared a bit of the last few years with, but I have never met. I actually am unsure how SueAnn and I came across each others blogs, but we have been reading and commenting on each other for quite some time now.

She is truly an artist. I love watching as she shows pictures of her paintings and art collages over several days and weeks. She also does some amazing things with photographs as well. All the pictures here today are hers. Do make sure you drop a link to her site to credit her work.

(click on pictures to make them bigger)

Let’s get started:

  • Pick one of the pictures provided by SueAnn and write poem, posting it to your blog or webpage
  • Click on Mr. Linky below and enter the direct url to your poem.
  • There you will also find others that have joined in, visit them. Visit as many as you would like. This is a community. If you don’t plan on visiting anyone and are only interested in having your work praised, let me know—i will tell you where to go. Smiles.
  • Have fun. Life is too short not to.