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Music is my main influence, not just for poetry, but life period.

Hip-Hop, Rock, R&B and Country; from the 70’s all the way to now—I love it all. Music let’s us know we’re not alone, brings us joy, inspires creativity and so much more—it’s like food for the soul.

It pushes me, as an artist, to expand the horizons of my work as I enjoy listening to rap albums while I brainstorm ideas.

Music does a myriad of things, but most importantly, it has the power of unity.

For today’s poetics, we’re writing about our love for music: you can write a dedication to your favorite genre(s), song(s), or all of the above. You can also write about the inspiration you gain from it.

Those are just a few examples; as long as music is involved,
however/whatever you want to write is welcome…

Have fun, and don’t miss a beat…

Here’s how we get down AKA the rules:

  • Write a poem that fits the prompt on your blog/webpage
  • Click the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name & direct url to your poem
  • There you will find other poets’ work for today’s prompt – engage with one another and have a good time learning from each other
  • Feel free to share using the social media of your choice