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In ancient Egypt, young royalty wore the pharaoh braid: an s-shaped dread lock on the left side of the head that remained until the onset of puberty. Certain hairstyles for men, such as bald or braids was a sign they were preparing for war, while gold was threaded throughout the heads of women as a symbol of wealth. Hair (or lack there of, if you prefer a shaved head) is so much more than just that, it is apart of who we are as people, not just a fad…

It’s an expression, a canvas in a way.

I’ve had the high-top, afro, and weird cuts that I look back on and say to myself, “What were you thinking!?” To shaving all of it off when I feel it’s time for a new beginning.

For this prompt, your poem may use hair as a
metaphor or it can be the topic for the entire piece… either is fine.

Have fun.

Here’s how we get down AKA the rules:

  • Write a poem that fits the prompt on your blog/webpage
  • Click the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name & direct url to your poem
  • There you will find other poets’ work for today’s prompt – engage with one another and have a good time learning from each other
  • Feel free to share using the social media of your choice