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Favourite fruity time of year...

Favourite fruity time of year…

Hello, everyone, Marina Sofia here to host the Open Link Night on this first month of autumn (or Spring, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere). how has the transition of seasons been for you? For me, September is still replete with the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, new schoolbags, stroking the smooth pages of freshly-opened notebooks… and the pain of getting used to a new routine.

So my writing has been missing in action somewhat… But I hope that your writing is faring better. I’ll keep this short and sweet, it’s a happy sharing experience. I’m just curious to see what you have been working on, what mood you are in, what thoughts are preoccupying you.

No prompt, no restrictions, just the freedom to link up with one of your poems.

Bear with me while I remind you how it works:

  • Enter a link directly to your poem and your name by clicking Mr Linky below
  • There you will find links to other poets.
  • Share the reading, commenting and love.
  • Please feel free to share on social media with a mention to the dVerse Poets Pub.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you on the trail!