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Today we have a guest prompter for dVerse: Rajani (Thotpurge) who blogs from Bangalore, India at thotpurge.wordpress.com. If you want to learn a little bit more of her, she has been interviewed by Sherry at Poetry United.

Hello all you lovely poets! Hope you’re all having a marvelous day and are in the mood for some Haibun!
I love the challenge and unlimited creative potential of this form which allows richly woven prose to be amplified by simple yet profound haiku. Haibun, at least in its classical form, connects to nature and travel and in reading Basho’s work, his mastery becomes evident in the way he draws the reader in with his description of his journey and punctuates the narrative with a haiku that reflects a moment of understanding, a milestone in an inward journey or a quick intake of breath as something suddenly falls into place.

Saint-Lazare Gare, Normandy Train by Claude Monet

Saint-Lazare Gare, Normandy Train by Claude Monet

Today, I’d like to invite you to consider one of your own journeys, or even a travel experience you have read about, and use it to develop a new haibun. Maybe you would like to write about a trip that deeply affected you or from which you learnt something new, whether it was to the neighborhood park or to a far-off land. Here’s a link to one of Björn’s fabulous posts that could get you started.
As has been mentioned before in this series of prompts, the haiku is not expected to be a summary of the prose. I personally find it works well if it remains tethered to the key thought, yet rising and floating above it in some way.
Ideally, keep you prose crisp (a couple of paragraphs perhaps) and don’t worry too much about counting syllables in your haiku.

If you’ve never joined us at a Dverse prompt, here’s how it works:
– Post your work on your blog and link the URL to this prompt using Mr. Linky below.
– Read and comment on the work of other participants, in the spirit of the community.
– Share your work on social media if you wish, using the hashtag #dversepoets
– Have hordes of fun creating your haibun!