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Hello everyone! Mish here tending the bar for today’s Poetics.

As a new member of d’Team at dVerse, I thought I would get further acquainted with you by sharing two of my greatest passions…photography and the Southwest. My native land of Canada is abundant in rolling hills, rugged shores, boreal forests, golden wheat prairies, lakes and mesmerizing mountains. Still I am drawn to lifeless beige backgrounds, the emptiness of canyons and the infinity of barren land. I think I express it best here in a previous post on my blog…

“New Mexico is my other home.  There is a peaceful feeling that I can only find there, a need to explore the rock formations and lonesome desert flowers, a desire to just sit and feel the sun caress my soul.  It was there that I met my husband and discovered a new landscape. I fell in love with both of them.”


My travels have taken me to other parts of the American Southwest which Wikipedia describes as all or parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Utah and Texas. It also includes the most southeastern section of California. You may have spent some time exploring these areas or perhaps you have the privilege of residing in one of them. Fortunately for me, regular visits to family bring me back to hike new trails, camera in hand.


So today I am asking you to write a poem inspired by the Southwest. Bring lots of water and take a walk in the desert. Relax on a mesa, take in the beauty of it all or mosey on back to the ol’ days of the Wild West. You are free to use one of my photos I have included here and you can find more photos to choose from on my blog. I kindly ask that you give credit.

Happy Trails!

March 2011 214

If you are new to d’Verse, here’s how it works…

  • Write a poem related to the prompt and post it to your blog.
  • Click on the Mr Linky button below to add your name and enter the direct URL to your poem.
  • You will find links to other poets. Read and comment on other poet’s work.
  • If you are promoting your work on social media, use the tag #dversepoets