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Welcome Poets and Friends!  This is Jilly, your host and bartender for this Wild Edition of Tuesday Poetics.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
~ Mary Oliver
from The Summer Day

What is it that Maurice Sendak, John Muir, Henry David Thoreau and Chris McCandless all have in common?

A sense of The Wild!  The Wild within us, the Wild around us, the Wild that many of us abandon for ‘normal’ lives.

Poets know about the Wild

Robert Bly speaks of it in The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart when he says, “One can keep one’s job and still be wild; one can remain married and still be wild; one can live in cities and remain wild.  What is needed is a soul discipline that Gary Snyder calls ‘practice of the wild’ …”

Children know about the Wild

“And now,” cried Max, “let the wild rumpus start!”

Writers and artists of all kinds know about the Wild

Our heart, soul, our very being, longs for something of the wild.  Let’s explore that wildness.

Here is my challenge to you, my poetic friends:

Write a poem that expresses how you respond to the Wild. The Wild within; the Wild that surrounds you; the Wild that beckons and bids you to embrace it.

New to dVerse? Here’s the way to join us!

* Write a poem based on the prompt.

* Click on Mr. Linky below. Enter your name and direct URL to your poem.

* Provide a link to dVerse so that your readers can find us and participate. Feel free to share on social media sites as well.

* Leave a comment here.

* Read and comment on other poets’ work. Be sure to check back later for more, as the prompt will be open until Thursday, May 3, 12 pm EST.

Have fun, y’all!