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This Haibun Monday we have a visual prompt!

Piet Mondrian. Broadway Boogie Woogie. 1942-43 | MoMA

Piet Mondrian, ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie, 1942-43, moma.org

I’m Kim from Writing in North Norfolk, your host this week. As some of you may remember, I enjoy ironing while listening to BBC Radio 4 stories, plays, discussions, nature walks, pretty much anything except politics.

A couple of Sundays ago, I switched on the digital radio, set up the ironing board and started to sort the laundry, when I was distracted for fifteen minutes by an interesting programme, the third in a repeated series that was originally broadcast by Radio 3: a radiophonic art exhibition, in which thirty of the world’s most creative minds choose a favourite work from the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

In the episode that interrupted my ironing, jazz pianist and composer Jason Moran shared his feelings about Piet Mondrian’s ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie’, the image above. The podcast of this programme is still available on BBC Sounds. Here’s a link, but please refrain from listening to it until you’ve written your haibun: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0009ddk.

For this challenge, I ask you to study the image carefully and write about what or how it makes you feel. Does it remind you of Broadway in New York, or another Broadway in a different town or city? Or does it make you think of something else?

Aim to write no more than three tight paragraphs, followed by a traditional haiku that includes reference to a season.

If you are new, here’s how to join in:

  • Write a haibun in response to the challenge.
  • Remember to include a link back to the dVerse Poets Pub from your blog.
  • Enter your name and a link directly to your haibun by clicking Mr Linky below, and check the little box to accept the use/privacy policy.
  • You will find links to other poets and more will join so check back later to read their haibun.
  • Read and comment on other poets’ work – we all come here to have our poems read.
  • Comment and participate in our discussion below, if you like.  We are a friendly bunch of poets.