

{Dr. Seuss} 

Greetings, amazing poet friends! It’s time again for that fun little form of our own creation, the Quadrille – in which we write poems of precisely 44 words, including one word we provide. 

Today, I want you to go boldly. Go above and beyond. Go crazy. Go bananas. Wherever you go, write us a little poem with the word GO (or one of its forms) in it somewhere. 

Go. Going. Gone. Gone fishin’. Give it a go. 

For your listening inspiration, a little something by the Go-Gos. 

Let’s Go All the Way, Sly Fox 

Let’s Go Crazy, Prince 

No Particular Place to Go, Chuck Berry 

Now, put on those poeming go-go boots and give those words a boost.

New to the Q? Here’s what to do. 
Just go get the writing implements of your choosing and pen us a poem of exactly 44 words, not counting the title, including some form of the word go. Post the poem on your own blog, and go to Mr. Linky below and link on up. Then get going out into the blogisphere to read some of the best poets around. The Quadrille prompt will keep going all week long, so be sure to come back for more! Ready? Set…GO!