

Hello Tonight it is time again,

For anyone to post any one poem you have. It can be an old one, it can be a new one. You could make up for a prompt you have missed, or you can take a poem from your youth and link up below.

I also want to share this reading by Iggy Pop, I think his voice fits perfectly the darkness of the poem.

Maybe it can inspire you to even write something new 🙂

Please link up directly to your poem using Mr Linky below

When you have linked up, providing a link back to dVerse, please comment and give encouragement. It is what keep the poetry flowing.

For those of you who want to meet we have two possibilities to join, if you join for the first time, it is OK to join without turning on the camera, it is OK to just listen, but it it is a great opportunity to read your own poem with a very friendly audience.

We have two opportunities to join to fit most time-zones:

Thursday, 7 December https://meet.google.com/uyi-vxrf-vzz

Saturday, 9 December https://meet.google.com/mvc-sxoe-zmu

For those who missed it, here is the playlist of every song used in Kim’s Poetry prompt on Tuesday. Many great melodies, mostly classical, but also some Jazz. You should be able to play it even without a spotify account.