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dverseEver notice just how much poetry we are blessed with in the run of a day? That song that near brings you to tears…usually when you’re stopped at a red light in heavy traffic, when all eyes seem to be on you.  Or that craft beer commercial that speaks to tradition and legacy, to artistry and myth.  Yes…we are sold with words, on a daily basis.  So why is it, that we so doubt the power OUR words carry?

Not an OpenLinkNight has gone by where I have not been moved to tears, woken up or even shaken to my very core. This is what YOU do to me. Consistently and without fail. YOU have shaped my own vision, my own dreams. You have touched my heart and changed a life. That means something. I’m quite confident, I’m not the only one. Most importantly, you have ignited my pen when nothing else would. The thought of missing a Tuesday evening with all of you is not a pleasant one.

And now, thanks to the work of our amazing “bosses” we will bring to you your own dVerse bookshelf. Brian and Claudia have opened up a linky where any who has poetry to pander can link their collections.  I so look forward to diving into those collections that I might have missed, and seeing the shelf grow on a regular basis as more of you take the leap to bring your words to the world.  Never doubt the talent, or the power that comes with having a support system in place like the pub.  Let’s do our best to support each other, to spread the word on our bookshelf, and help give a little back to those who give so much with every poem they bleed.

We know, as Shelley states, that…”Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world,” but that doesn’t mean we can’t show them the love.

Power to the poets!

Here’s how we do this:

  • Post a poem to your blog or site.
  • Copy the exact address of your post and click on trusty Mr.Linky
  • Paste your post address where indicated, enter you name, click submit…and you’re in! Too easy!
  • Return to Mr.Linky for direct links to all the poets who will be joining us this evening. Visit, engage, comment and enjoy. Take the leap and shout it out on the social networks of your choosing when you find that piece that really moves you.
  • We are about community, and that means everyone working together to ensure all are welcomed and read. Do you part…you never know what next great poet your encouraging could make all the difference for!